Last updated

Ruana instructions- my inital request to the bond imagicomm list in Feb. 2001 was based on a warm thingie I bought at Macy's years earlier. I should find it and post a pic.....

what i came up with for my bonded ISM's (2 of 'em, aka SuperBond)...

The interesting part of this is I had never really made anything on the ISM prior to this, so

just wanting to create can really be a FUN inspiration and motivator!!! I literally melted my carriage doing one of these.
Melted Carriage


I found out that people are finding this link and want the pattern... Who Knew? I was always getting jokes about looking like Clint Eastwood...

I'm getting ready to post it for y'all!, thanks for the kick in the tush Deborah

bookmark this page until i update my site


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Last updated Mon, January 21, 2008 by established March 25, 1996.